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Sábado 23 de Junio de 2012

Carbon Footprint per capita reduction in ECODES

Achievement of Commitment
ECODES has a plan for reducing its emissions per capita. Our overall goal is to reduce CO2 emissions per capita (employee) some 20% from the 2010 data on emission. We estimate that it would be going from 2,07 tons of CO2 per eployee to 1,656 tons of CO2 per employee.
How this will be achieved
Our plan for reducing CO2 emissions is going to be implemented through the following actions:
  • Reducing the plane trips. Installing a video conference system and prioritizing Telco or video-conference instead of trips.
  • Reducing electrical consumption through developing an analysis of electrical consumption in the office to identify potential areas of reducation. INstalling interruptors with timers. Using plugs with authomatic switch off.
  • Reducing natural gas consumption to the level of use of 2009 (47.771 kwh). Analize and improve the isolation of doors and windows. Check our the correct function of heating sensors.
  • Develope a protocol for paper use in the office. Sharing the top consumers with the staff in order to improve behaviours.
  • Boost the public transport among the staff. Subsidy the BIZI (public bike service in the city) for employees; use a common bus/tram pass for all the staff. Demand hybrid vehicles when calling for a taxi.

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